Original score for the animated short film "Frontier Wisdom" by Jenna Caravello, an official selection of the 2019 Slamdance Film Festival.
In the lonely desert space between here and there, a phone repairwoman encounters a chatty corpse, a self-propelled peanut, and some portents of the rapture.
"Jenna Caravello’s surrealist short Frontier Wisdom is an altogether different type of tumbleweed opera. One of the many animated efforts in the SDUFF program, the film jumps liberally from first to third person perspectives, emblematic of the out-of-body experience Caravello wants to replicate. Malfunctioning phone booths, apocalyptic reckonings and a bible-verse spouting corpse make up Caravello’s holy trinity of motifs leading the anti-technology charge. Fittingly, it ends with someone literally cutting the cord." —Glenn Heath Jr. | San Diego CityBeat | August 21, 2018